Sunday, October 4, 2009

Guest Speakers via Video Chat

Several opportunities to learn from experts have been capitalized on in the last couple of weeks at OHS. Calling upon professionals to share their experiences with our students is a underutilized opportunity that technology makes so simple. A couple of examples include Mr. Peterson's brother-in-law, Glenn Gross, college professor in Digital Design, who was willing to speak to the OHS "Hot Shots" Photography Club. Here is a summary from OHS "Hot Shots" Sponsor, Katrina Gotschall:

"The OHS Hot Shots were lucky enough to have connections this week! Mr. Peterson's brother-in-law, photographer and professor Glen Gross of Highland Community College in Highland, KS skyped in to talk to the club about what makes great photography and the appreciation that needs to come with the "art" of making a great photograph. He gave the group some background on how he became the photographer he is, talked skills with us, and gave us some pointers on choosing the right camera for the job. Mr. Peterson displayed some of his work for us all to see and appreciate. He also gave us a few resources to check out: 1) Kansas City: MK 12 2) PDN (Photo District News) Thanks for taking time from your schedule to talk to us! You can find more information on Mr. Gross here."

A second example was enjoyed by the Digital Media class as Molly Wetlauffer's cousin Skyped in to talk about her work in the professional world of Digital Media. With a write-up, here is guest blogger Molly Wetlauffer:

"On Wednesday September 30th we had a via Skype call with a General Media Manger from New Orleans,LA Rachel Vella. She talked with us about what we do here at OHS for the new cable channel 7 that we produce. She gave us tons of great advice. She told us that we should do a reality show or sell parent adds. She also told us that we are using a great program to work with,which would be Final Cut Pro. We were certainly grateful for all of her advice and are excited to get started on some new ideas."

These are just two examples of the ease and power of bringing experts from the outside world into our classroom walls via technology. The possibilities are endless. Save on mileage, travel, time, and money and set up more Guest Speakers for your classes soon. You and your students will be glad that you did.

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